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Three Truths Of Internet Success

By: Joshua Rose

We all want to know the "secrets" of the web's big success stories. How did they succeed when so many others fail? What is it that they know that most others do not?
In the process of developing my own Internet business, I've had the good fortune to come in contact with many successful online entrepreneurs. I've even had the pleasure of formally interviewing a number of them.

We all want to know their "secrets". How did they succeed when so many others fail? What is it that they know that most others do not?

Well, the truth of the matter is, the answer is, "not much" ... at least in terms of the typical Internet Marketing strategies that pop into all of our minds ... and that's GOOD news! Indeed, it means that ANYONE really can succeed because there isn't some sort of "magical secret". In fact, they pretty much do the same things as everyone else.

What sets them apart, however, seems to be of a more "personal" nature ... one that both acknowledges and addresses the realities of the business world AND one that incorporates their own unique personality and mindset into what they do.

I've broken down my findings into three distinct catagories that you may want to consider when addressing your own Internet goals. Outside of the first one, these are not things that are easily spelled out and taught to others, because they involve "individuality".

You see, in one way or another, many of these factors involve YOU ... as a unique individual, as an emotional being with your own motivations, principles and purposes.

They CAN be developed, however, with thought, effort and experience.

After all, if "success" were so easily taught, everyone would be successful. But note the distinction here: While perhaps not being easily taught, success CAN most definitely still be LEARNED.


The biggest and most productive step someone can take towards reaching their dreams of a successful web business ... as quickly as possible ... is to accept the fact that the rules of sound business practices, competition and the economic realities of the free enterprise system HAVE NOT been suspended for the online world.

In other words, business is business, online or off. Thinking that the Internet is somehow different in this regard ... that making money is "fr^e" and "easy" is actually detrimental to success.


Here are the plain facts about successful business people:

* They understand that "work" comes with the territory. However, they often don't see it as such ... but instead as something that interests and motivates them.

* They are innovaters and risk takers.

* They have developed confidence in their abilities to solve problems as they occur.

* They are persistent and are not held down long from setbacks.

* They have a desire to learn and understand that learning is a lifelong process.

* They are passionate about what they are doing.


Most "how to" resources on the web emphasize building a subscriber list, placing ads, utilizing search engine tactics, writing articles and free reports, using pop-ups, participating at forums ... and so forth. All of these marketing strategies are important, but don't really go far enough by themselves.

Those who succeed, take these same "standard methods" to the "next level". I think the only way to describe it is to say that they bring more of THEMSELVES into the process.

Examples would include:

* Not just "copywriting", but "communicating". By learning how to communicate ... or how to "connect" ... every aspect of a marketer's arsenal is tremendously enhanced.

* Not just "emphasizing a site or a product to promote", but establishing a "unique web presence".

* Not just "building a subscriber list", but building a "responsive" list. There's a big, big difference.

* Not "working alone and independently", but building relationships with others of like minds and vision.

The question arises, of course, of how exactly to accomplish these things. Well, again, there is not a straight-forward formula to follow here. And this is why the simple purchase of a "how to" guide by one Guru or another ... while helpful and often quite valuable ... rarely can produce the success so often expected.

There are some things that the marketing Gurus just can't do for you. And that's to apply their tips and advice in a way that fits your particular business and in a manner that is uniquely YOU ... and inspired by YOU ... and that is where the REAL success lays.

Joshua Rose is Co-author, with Bryan Hall, of the brand new and highly praised ebook, "Peak Performance ... Peak LIFE!". Learn To Unlock The Doors To Overwhelming SUCCESS ... In Your Internet Business ... In Your Personal Goals ... In Your LIFE!"

About the Author

Joshua Rose cuts through the glut of Internet "hype" and "false promises" to identify the "genuine" marketing techniques that get results. For his fr^e "One, Two, Three Easy Steps To Internet Profits", or to subscribe to his newsletter, visit:

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