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The 'Secret' to Publishing Success!

By: Neil Maxwell-Keys

How to make a fortune by finding 'unique' Information and making it available to particular groups of people.
I’m an evangelist for creating your own UNIQUE products. Sure, you can sell other peoples stuff (I do this too) and this is the way I recommend you start out to get money coming in and give you that much needed motivation to keep going.

A lot of people do exceptionally well out of just promoting other peoples products – particularly internet marketers with the simplicity of affiliate programs. But if you look closely at the REALLY successful ones, you’ll quickly see that they also create their own products. Why? I mean why bother with the hassle when you could just plod along selling other peoples stuff? Well there are many answers to this. But the obvious one is because THAT’S WHERE THE REALLY BIG BUCKS ARE MADE.

If we look at ‘offline’ marketing (direct mail, mail order), you have the big guns: Ted Nicholas, Stuart Goldsmith, Bill Myers, Jay Abraham to name a few. They all made millions with their own products and also sold other peoples stuff as sidelines and backend products too.

If we look to online marketers. All the big guns in this field also create their own products. Terry Dean, Marlon Sanders, Yanik Silver, Cory Rudl and even one of my favourite guys on the net - Frank Garon who spent five years just promoting affiliate programs, has now started producing his own information products.

This is very important for you to understand. Do you think if they could make their kind of income just by selling other peoples products they’d bother creating their own stuff? In most cases, I think not. Frank’s income will go through the roof this year now he’s putting his own stuff out there.

Believe me, nothing beats having your own unique information product out there – sometimes with virtually zero competition. Making you hundreds or thousands of percent profit. Forget those pathetic 10%, 25% or 50% margins you see in ordinary conventional businesses. How about 1000% pure profit from something that takes you a few weeks to put together? And costs a few dollars or pounds to produce and mail out? Or just a couple of hundred to set up a simple website and have ZERO fulfilment, postage, packaging and production costs? Your customers simply download it from your website. It’s an almost dream business!

And you can create your product on ANYTHING. As long as you have a market of people who you know will be interested in this information.

Now this is what I wanted to cover in this article. It’s one simple sentence that will save you years of heartbreaking toil. And this took me years to learn - the hard way:


Read it again. It’s pure magic.

If you’ve got your own website, you’re in a good position. Let’s say you’ve got a website for cat lovers. You drop your subscribers a nice friendly email asking them what kind of things they’d like to know about cats. What would they like to see on the website? In your ezine? Is there any kind of information they’re looking for that would help them in raising healthy cats? You then gather this information and go do it! Produce a simple guide and sell it as a downloadable product from your site.

If you don’t have a website, then don’t worry. You too are in a good position. It means you’re not restricted in anyway. You can go out and simply find a group of people hungry for particular types of information.

Corey Rudl did this with his book on cars. He found a discussion forum of people all interested in a particular type of car. He then wrote a book on this specific car (Note: he didn’t write a ‘general’ book on cars. He laser-beam targeted his book to meet the wants of this SPECIFIC group of people). Guess who he sold it to? You got it. He offered it to those same people who posted messages on the discussion forum – and made a fortune. Genius!

Another guy I know writes a monthly newsletter to Jaguar XKE enthusiasts. He charges £27 ($45-ish) a year to 10,000 subscribers! He found this market by reading classic car magazines and then discovered a sub-section of particular people interested in this particular vehicle. Where does he advertise his newsletter? I’ll give you three guesses. (Psst, his ads are in those Classic Car magazines!)

Here’s what I’ll be covering in my ezine over the next few weeks:

How to write a unique best selling information product without even doing any writing of any description! Yanik Silver created a super successful product using this very technique. I’ll tell you about that and exactly how he did it.

The business opportunies ‘con-trick’. Why you should stay out of this market and which markets you should be in. Invaluable advice gleaned from eight years of study, experience and lots of money down the drain! I consider part of my job here to open your eyes to much more. To get you to see that glittering horizon of opportunity over the water where people are desperate, almost begging you to come and take their money!

How to find a market of hungry people – who when they see what you have on offer are like a feeding frenzy of hungry piranhas who’ll take your arm off to get what they want! Wouldn’t it be easier to move in and out of small niche *enthusiastic* markets and say to them: “Here’s what you’ve been looking for - and here’s how to get it”?

About the Author

Neil Maxwell-Keys is editor of the "Product Developer Secrets" ezine, the authoritative resource for making big money quickly by creating and marketing your own information products. To subscribe click here =>

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