Free Success Articles

The Road to Success

By: Kate Smalley

Never have I been in the position of making as many critical decisions as I am now - at the helm of my own business.

I never imagined that providing freelance secretarial services could be such a busy endeavor! When I first started it was so incredibly difficult to obtain that first client. I spent hours each week churning out newsletters, post card mailings, and publicity material of all sorts.

Additional hours were spent fine tuning my sales pitch and presentation, practicing my elevator speech, reviewing my skills, and spreading the word about my services and planned business. I was so incredibly motivated to get that first customer and get on the road to wherever.

I was no longer under a corporate umbrella. It was just me now, and I had taken the plunge. That first client did come along, and I still have the account today. Then I gained my next client, and the next. Word was spreading, and the power of referral sales hit home. I had heard how high your closing percentage climbs when someone you work for refers you to a friend or associate. Wow, it was amazing to actually experience it in motion. Why do people have a problem getting referral sales? Because they do not ASK. Ask for referrals and ask often, you will be quite pleased with the results. Now that that has been said, please do not neglect giving referrals in return. Ask your customers how you might best refer them, and what their ideal customer would be. Start this process today and never stop. It will certainly build business and good will with everyone you encounter.
"Let's not lose the conviction and drive we had when we were brand new."

Now I am busy each day serving my customers. I truly love this business I have created, and the flexibility and creativity it allows me has surpassed my expectations. I wake up each and every morning anticipating another good day at work, another project, a new contact, or a welcome opportunity to learn something new. Something has changed though, and it has happened very subtly. No longer do I spend hours each week creating new marketing and promotional materials or poring over advertising strategies. I no longer grab a promotional package and head into a business office for cold calling, nor do I engage in cold calling on the telephone. I surprised myself with the new business I was able to generate by just getting on the phone and calling around.

I realize I am busy serving my customers, but am I missing something by cutting back so drastically on my marketing endeavors? Can I use the excuse that I am too busy for that anymore? Should I be constantly churning out a percentage of promotional materials to ensure my future viability? No matter how busy I am, each and every day I have a conscious choice to spend my time focusing on activities that will result in additional sales for my business, which will result in vibrant future growth. It only makes sense that the results and business I am enjoying now were only obtained by the groundwork I laid back when I was brand new, and that to continue on this road I should continue marketing and promoting my business and my services.

Let's not lose the conviction and drive we had when we were brand new. Let's not get so busy within our daily routines that we hesitate to reach out and expand ourselves, or get involved with additional activities that will grow our business. Let's purpose in our minds and in our hearts to continue on this path we have chosen. Let's do everything possible to continue to nurture and strengthen our business and future viability by choosing to do those things that will result in those additional sales that we once worked so hard for.

The last item that I have never forgotten is to never lose the excitement and anticipation that accompanies gaining new clients and helping them succeed.

Copyright 2003
Kate Smalley
Connecticut Secretary

Copyright 2003
Kate Smalley
Connecticut Secretary

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