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Keys To Success -- #1 Commitment

By: Joe Bingham

The world we live in is based on commitments. Businesses sign
contracts, banks sign us to loan agreements, couples agree to terms
of a marriage, and even our children are taught the ideals of keeping
commitments by having assignments due on certain days at school.

Why then, do so many view network or internet marketing
businesses as quick in and out ventures with no thought toward
actually committing to them?

The best online ventures are ones that do keep commitments and
expect the same out of their members.

Whether people realize it or not, a lot of business is built solely on
the basis of reputation, or at the very least name recognition. Can
you ever expect to get any kind of name recognition or to build a
solid business or personal reputation without a commitment to your
business? It's unlikely. Even those who simply work affiliate
programs are still bound by this principle. No, they may not have
their own business name or reputation, instead they are affiliated with
another who does.

Building the kind of online presence that it takes to be truly
successful does not happen instantly. It takes time to build. Some
have come quickly to success, true, but as you'll always notice, they
came online with prior expertise and/or skills in the area their
business deals with.

In working online, expect to be committed to your business if you
want to succeed. Dropping in and out of programs may net you
some profits if you hit them right, but there's no chance at the ultimate
goal of true lifetime residual income this way.

Expect to make a financial commitment. While Internet marketing
and network marketing in general requires very little investment when
compared to traditional self-employment, there still will be some
finances you must put at stake in your business. The key lies in
choosing wisely and then sticking with your choice and working it
until it proves itself out.

Expect to make a time commitment. Sure, the Internet is automated,
and can produce large numbers quickly, but it still takes time to get
set up, to build, and even to maintain a successful enterprise. Don't
expect magic from little effort. Plan for time to be devoted to your
work on a regular basis.

Similarly, expect to work. Nothing is going to happen unless you
make it happen. Automation saves time, and through network
marketing you can leverage your time to where you can get more
done through others than you could ever do on your own, but there
still will be a role you will have to play. As with anything, the more
you put into it, the more you can expect out of it.

Last but perhaps more important than the rest, expect to constantly
be promoting yourself. You always need to be talking to more and
more people, more and more potential clients. Promotion is not
something you set up once and then let go on its own, it needs
constant attention and work. If there is anything you for sure need to
plan on doing every single day, it's promotion. It is the very basis of
what your business growth depends on.

There are many opportunities online, some more involved than
others, but I guarantee none of them will fly for you if you are not
willing to make a solid commitment to working them.

Decide before hand what money, time, work, and resources you are
willing to commit to your business. Then stick to your plan. As well,
seek out others willing to do the same.

Avoid the in and out, here today gone tomorrow crowd and make a
solid commitment to your future. Later on, I guarantee you'll be glad
you did.

About the Author

Joe Bingham, Editor of the NetPlay Newsletters
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